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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

If/Else Statement vs. Ternary Operator

The question of which one is faster, the ternary operator or if/else statement, was asked again and again. The canned answer is: you don’t care, don’t even think about performance here, just choose the one that is most readable in the context you use.

But leave aside about the argument of which one is more readable. If I’m going to call it hundred millions of times, the performance difference might be matter to me, right? I was again asked about this question recently so I decided to find this out. Only test can tell the truth.

Test Setup

We define each run as repeatedly transmitting data from an array with 10 elements to another array multi-million times. When the data are transmitted from one array to another, we also transform the date. We used different methods to transform the data so we can compare the time difference between different methods. We also capture the baseline performance. A baseline does very same thing as the regular run but with not data transformation.

The code for every run is somewhat like below.

   1:          @Override
   2:          void run() {
   3:              int a[] = source;
   4:              int b[] = target;
   5:              for (int i = LOOP_COUNT; i > 0; i--) {
   6:                  for (int j = ELEMENT_END; j >= 0; j--) {
   7:                      // copy and transform the data from a to b
   8:                  }
   9:              }
  10:          }

We execute the run 20 times to warm up the system and run it another 100 times with time measured for each run.

   1:          // warn up
   2:          for (int j = 20; j > 0; j--) {
   3:              for (Fixture f : fixtures)
   4:                  f.run();
   5:          }
   7:          // run and measure it
   8:          for (int j = 100; j > 0; j--) {
   9:              for (Fixture f : fixtures)
  10:                  f.runMeasured();
  11:          }

And the code to measure the performance.

   1:      void runMeasured() {
   2:          long start = System.nanoTime();
   3:          run();
   4:          histogram.update(System.nanoTime() - start);
   5:      }

You can find the source code on github.

And all the test run was on a Lenovo X220 Laptop with Core i5-2520M @ 2.5GHz, Running Windows 7 64bit and JRE 1.7 64bit.

Absolute Value Test

The first test is to transform the data in the source array into their absolute value and then store them in target array. The data in the source array were purposely set to be half positive and half negative.

The similar tests were done in two different ways. Both use a base class and have each derived class overrides a method. The difference is that, one have the loop logic common in base class and let the derived class only override the method that does the absolute value calculation, another repeats the loop logic in each derived class and have the absolute value calculation inlined inside the loop.

Using Overridden Methods

The test is captured in RunnerAbsOverride class. Below is the run logic

   1:          void run() {
   2:              int a[] = source;
   3:              int b[] = target;
   4:              for (int i = LOOP_COUNT; i > 0; i--) {
   5:                  for (int j = ELEMENT_END; j >= 0; j--) {
   6:                      int x = a[j];
   7:                      b[j] = abs(x);
   8:                  }
   9:              }
  10:          }

We compare the performance different by using different implementations of the abs methods.


The baseline implementation doesn’t really compute the absolute value. It simply returns itself without no data transformation.

            return x;
Using Math.abs

This method calls the JDK build in abs method in Math class to transform the date into absolute value.

            return Math.abs(x);
Using ternary operator

Here we use ternary operator to compute the absolute value of x.

            return x >= 0 ? x : -x;
Using if/else statement

At last, we use if/else statement to return x if it is positive and –x if x is negative.

            if (x >= 0) return x;
            else return -x;
Test Result

Below is the result of calculating absolute value in an overridden method of different implementations. Time is the nano seconds taken to transform and copy the array.

Method,    Mean,   Min,   Max, Median,  75%
Baseline,  36.4,  35.6,  39.0,  36.2,  36.6
MathAbs ,  40.6,  39.6,  49.9,  40.2,  40.7
Ternary ,  40.3,  39.6,  42.2,  40.2,  40.6
IfElse  ,  40.4,  39.5,  43.9,  40.2,  40.7

We observed three things here

  1. Comparing to the baseline, computing the absolute value of an integer takes additional 11% more time on top of baseline’s looping and a method call.
  2. All three methods of calculating an absolute value has same performance.
  3. We didn’t see any difference of using the built in Math.abs. Which means the static method is inlined and nothing else special was done to this JDK method.

Inlining the Code

What if we inline the code directly in the loop? Let’s repeat the loop below in every implementation and replace the comment with the different methods of computing the absolute values. This test is captured in RunnerAbsInline class.

   1:          final void run() {
   2:              final int a[] = source;
   3:              final int b[] = target;
   4:              for (int i = LOOP_COUNT; i > 0; i--) {
   5:                  for (int j = ELEMENT_END; j >= 0; j--) {
   6:                     // compute absolute value of a[j] then assign it to b[j]
   7:                  }
   8:              }
   9:          }
                    b[j] = a[j];
Using Math.abs
                    b[j] = Math.abs(a[j]);
Using ternary operator
                    b[j] = a[j] >= 0 ? a[j] : -a[j];
Using if/else statement
                    if (a[j] >= 0) b[j] = a[j];
                    else b[j] = -a[j];
Using if statement without else

When it is inlined, it allow us to use a single if statement to get the absolute value.

                    int x = a[j];
                    if (x < 0) x = -x;
                    b[j] = x;
Test result

Below is the result of calculating absolute value inlined in the loop of different implementations. Time is the nano seconds taken to transform and copy the array.

Method,    Mean,   Min,   Max, Median,  75%
Baseline,   1.7,   1.6,   3.0,   1.7,   1.7
MathAbs ,   7.0,   6.7,   8.6,   6.9,   7.0
Ternary ,   7.0,   6.7,   8.4,   6.9,   7.0
IfElse  ,   8.6,   8.4,   9.6,   8.5,   8.6
IfOnly  ,   6.9,   6.7,   9.0,   6.9,   7.0

The numbers above tells us that

  1. Using if/else statement is 30% slower than other methods in average.
  2. We have added a if statement only implementation is at the same speed as Math.abs() and ternary operator.
  3. Again, we didn’t see the difference between using Math.abs vs. the ternary operation here.
  4. The overhead of method invocation is much higher than any of the method we used.

Number Ordering Test

The 2nd test is compare the numbers in the two adjacent elements of the source array, then store the two number to the target array in ascending order. The data in the source array were carefully set so that the opportunity is the same for the left element of the adjacent two being smaller or larger.

Again, like we did in the Absolute Value test, we’ll test in two different ways. One have the logic in its own method and another to have the logic inlined in the loop.

Using Overridden Methods

The test is captured in RunnerOrderingOverride class. Below is the run logic

   1:          void run() {
   2:              int a[] = source;
   3:              for (int i = LOOP_COUNT; i > 0; i--) {
   4:                  for (int j = ELEMENT_END; j >= 0; j--) {
   5:                      compareSet(a[j], a[j + 1], j);
   6:                  }
   7:              }
   8:          }

We compare the performance different by using different implementations of the compareSet methods.


The baseline implementation doesn’t really compare the value. It simply sets the value in the original order.

            int b[] = target;
            b[index++] = x;
            b[index] = y;
Using Math.abs

This try to avoid the if statement by computing the difference and sum of the two number, and then derive the smaller one and larger from the sum and different. The difference is obtained by subtracting one from another and then taking the absolute value.

            int b[] = target;
            int diff = Math.abs(x - y);
            int sum = x + y;
            b[index++] = sum - diff;
            b[index] = sum + diff;
Using ternary operator

This is very similar to Math.abs, except that the ternary operator is used instead of Math.abs.

            int b[] = target;
            int diff = x >= y ? x - y : y - x;
            int sum = x + y;
            b[index++] = sum - diff;
            b[index] = sum + diff;
Using if/else statement

This uses straightforward if/else statement.

            int b[] = target;
            if (x >= y) {
                b[index++] = y;
                b[index] = x;
            } else {
                b[index++] = x;
                b[index] = y;
Test Result

Below is the result of ordering the numbers in an overridden method of different implementations. The unit is nano second.

Method,    Mean,   Min,   Max, Median,  75%
Baseline,  54.3,  52.6,  66.4,  53.9,  54.7
MathAbs ,  66.3,  64.2,  79.2,  65.6,  66.3
Ternary ,  62.2,  60.2,  79.1,  61.2,  62.0
IfElse  ,  58.9,  56.3,  78.6,  58.0,  58.6

It turned out that the straightforward if/else statement is the fastest. The attempt of replacing it with ternary operator plus multiple steps of integer computation doesn’t really outperform if/else statement. It is actually much slower.

This time, Ternary is faster than Match.abs because it eliminated the negate operation in the Math.abs when x < y.

Inlining the Code

Again, let’s re-test the logic by inlining them in the loop. We repeat the loop below in every implementation and replace the comment with the different methods of ordering the number. This test is captured in RunnerOrderingInline class.

   1:          final void run() {
   2:              int a[] = source;
   3:              int b[] = target;
   4:              for (int i = LOOP_COUNT; i > 0; i--) {
   5:                  for (int j = ELEMENT_END; j >= 0; j--) {
   6:                      final int x = a[j];
   7:                      final int y = a[j + 1];
   8:                      // set the smaller one of x and y to b[j] and the larger one to b[j+1]
   9:                  }
  10:              }
  11:          }
  12:      }

Baseline simply assigns the value without ordering them.

                    b[j] = x;
                    b[j + 1] = y;
Using Math.abs
                    int diff = Math.abs(x - y);
                    final int sum = x + y;
                    b[j] = sum - diff;
                    b[j + 1] = sum + diff;
Using ternary operator
                    final int diff = x >= y ? x - y : y - x;
                    final int sum = x + y;
                    b[j] = sum - diff;
                    b[j + 1] = sum + diff;
Using if/else statement
                    if (x >= y) {
                        b[j] = x;
                        b[j + 1] = y;
                    } else {
                        b[j] = y;
                        b[j + 1] = x;
Test result

Below is the result of ordering the numbers inlined in the loop of different implementations. Unit is nano seconds.

Method,    Mean,   Min,   Max, Median,  75%
Baseline,   3.8,   3.5,   4.9,   3.6,   3.7
MathAbs ,  18.3,  17.3,  22.6,  17.9,  18.5
Ternary ,  13.9,  13.0,  19.0,  13.5,  14.0
IfElse  ,  11.1,  10.6,  13.6,  11.0,  11.2

The result is same as the override method test except it is overall faster because of the inlined code. So method invocation is much more expensive than any of those.


  1. There are no fundamental difference between ternary and if/else.
  2. Ternary is faster then if/else as long as no additional computation is required to convert the logic to us ternary. When it is a simply ternary operation, it has better readability as well.
  3. If only statement is faster than if/else, so if the logic doesn’t require an else statement, do use it.
  4. Don’t try to outsmart. Adding additional operations to replace if/else with ternary lead you to the conversed result. In this case, use straightforward if/else gets you better performance and readability.
  5. JDK doesn’t do native optimization to Math.abs other than inlined the static method call almost everywhere. It is not like others suggested that JDK does native optimization for built in functions.
  6. Comparing the different between if/else and ternary, method invocation is every expensive.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Words for Versioning

It's always been difficult to come up with good names for versioning or naming of the Agile sprints. Here are idea we used.

Last Name of top scientists

Mainly from this page 100 Scientists Who Shaped World History. But I cannot find a last name starts with Q, U or X. It is also confirmed from the page Alphabetized List by Scientist's Name. Hence, I used word Quantum, Universe and X-ray, which you can find on the page and related to science.
Archimedes Kepler Universe
Bohr Lavoisier Virchow
Copernicus Maxwell Watson
Darwin Newton X-ray
Einstein Onnes Yalow
Freud Pasteur Zhang
Galilei Quantum
Heisenberg Rutherford
Ibn-e-Sina Schrodinger
Jenner Thomson

Name of cars

From http://www.malaysiaminilover.com/list-of-car-names, we picked those names are rarely used in software documentation so the can be searched easily.
Axiom Kodiak Uplander
Boxter Lanos Vitara
Cougar Murano Windstar
Durango Nubira Xantia
Envoy Optima Yaris
Fiero Paseo Zephyr
Galant Quattro
Hombre Reatta
Impala Sorento
Jetta Tredia


Here you can find all superheros names

Mountains of the World


Monday, June 17, 2013

VBA Routine To Set Excel Cell Color By Value

I though some one must have already done this, but I cannot find the ready to use code. So I had to write one myself:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim Column
    Dim Row
    Dim Red
    Dim Green
    Dim heat
    For Each c In Target
        Column = c.Column
        Row = c.Row
        Rem # Define the range of the cells to change color, keep this to minimal for better performance
        If Column > 1 And Column <= 12 And Row > 1 And Row < 40 Then
            If c.Value = "" Then
                c.Interior.ColorIndex = -4142
                Rem # Calculate the heat. You can times c.Value by a factor to control the range
                heat = c.Value - 255
                If (heat > 255) Then heat = 255
                If (heat < -255) Then heat = -255
                Rem # Set back color of the cell
                If (heat > 0) Then
                    Green = 256 - heat
                    Red = 255
                    Green = 255
                    Red = 255 + heat
                End If
                c.Interior.Color = RGB(Red, Green, 0)
                Rem # Set fore color of the cell
                If (heat > 100) Then
                    c.Font.Color = vbWhite
                    c.Font.Color = vbBlack
                End If
            End If
        End If
End Sub

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Change Drive Label and Icon in Windows 7

I can use registry to do this. Here is an example.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Source Code"

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Integrate Java and GraphicsMagick – gm4java Performance


In the last two posts of this series, we enhanced GraphicsMagick (GM hereafter) to support interactive or batch mode, and we developed the Java library, gm4java, to integrate with GM. Now it’s time to give it a run!


This is the same web application that we tested the performance of sole im4java implementation. And we also use identical test environment and test setup for an apple to apple comparison. For the completeness, I’ll repeat the test application, environment and setup here.

The web application dynamically resize the source images that is 700x700 or less to a smaller dimension. An HTTP request come in with the individual image and the target size specified, the web application locates the source image and resize it to the target size, then streams the image back to the requester, typically a browser.

The application still use the same GM’s convert command,  “convert <source> –scale <width>x<height> <target>”, to scale down an image. The difference this time is that, instead of completely depending on im4java, we use gm4java to start 32 GM processes in interactive mode, they are pooled by gm4java to executed the convert commands coming in. That effectively eliminates the overhead of starting, and then shutting down, a new GM process for every request.

In order to avoid problems caused by any potential memory leak, each GM process was recycled after 1000 execution of commands. (Info: we have also tested with recycling disabled, that improved the performance by 1-2% and we also did not observe any memory leakage. But in the end we decided to keep the recycling enabled)

Test Environment

We also use exact same test environment that we tested the im4java integration. Again, repeated below:



CPU: 32 cores - 4 AMD Opteron(TM) Processor 6274 (8 cores)

Test Tool

JMeter is used to execute the test. The machine runs the JMeter has identical hardware as the test machine. There is high speed network connection between them and we have confirmed that there is no other factor being bottleneck.

Test Setup

We used 200K unique sample image and each image are being request twice, one converts to 260x420 and another converts to 114x166.

On thread group is used to run multiple threads in parallel. Each thread represent one concurrent user. We run the test multiple times, with different number of concurrent users. Each thread will request image one after another, there is no delay whatsoever.

We measure the throughput in terms of total number of images resized within a second by the server.

Test Result

Table below listed the total throughput under different load, side by side with the test result from our im4java implementation test.

Concurrent users Total Throughput (images/second)
im4java gm4java
50 278 Didn’t test
500 109 1447
5000 19 1490
20000 4 1452

The throughput is significantly higher comparing to the im4java implementation, and it stays high under high load as expected.

Disclaimer:this is NOT an comparison between im4java and gm4java, it is a comparison between the traditional integration mechanism im4java uses to integrate with GM, and the new interactive mechanism that is implemented by gm4java. gm4java does not compete with im4java, rather they complement each other.


The test result proves that using gm4java and GM’s new interactive/batch mode feature can provide a reliable and scalable mean to integrate Java and GM. We have successfully implemented our proposed solution, and concluded that is the solution we need.

Other Posts in the “Integrate Java and GraphicsMagick” Series

  1. Conception
  2. im4java Performance
  3. Interactive or Batch Mode
  4. gm4java
  5. gm4java Performance

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Integrate Java and GraphicsMagick – gm4java


Now we added interactive or batch mode support to GraphicsMagick (GM hereafter), we need to enable the Java side of the integration to complete the implementation of the proposed solution. Hence the gm4java library is born.
In this post, we’ll briefly discuss how gm4java is implemented, then put more focus on its features and API.
Update (3/30): gm4java is available from central maven repository.


The implementation of gm4java that we are going to discuss sounds to be complicated but the good news is you don’t have to deal with that because gm4java encapsulates the complexity and does the heavy lifting for you. If you are not interested in the detail, you can skip right to “Feature and API” section. But I believe having some understanding of what’s under the hood always makes me a better driver.
Source code of gm4java can be found at http://code.google.com/p/kennethxublogsource/source/browse/trunk/gm4java/ (update 4/15: moved to https://github.com/sharneng/gm4java)

Interacting with GM Process

gm4java uses Java ProcessBuilder to spawn GM process in interactive mode. Code below illustrate how the GM process is started
   1:  process = new ProcessBuilder().command(command).redirectErrorStream(true).start();
   2:  outputStream = process.getOutputStream();
   3:  inputStream = process.getInputStream();

Note that a pair of the input and output stream are obtained from the process. gm4java uses them to communicate with the GM process, by sending commands to, and receiving feedback from it.
gm4java uses below GM batch options to start GM batch process.
        gm batch -escape windows -feedback on -pass OK -fail NG -prompt off

  • gm4java always use Windows style escape for the compatibility across the platforms
  • prompt is turned off because it is just noise in the machine communication.
  • feedback is turned on because that is how gm4java come to know
    • If GM had completed the execution of the command.
    • The result of the command, whether it was failed or succeeded.
  • gm4java choose OK/NG for pass/fail feedback text, as it is unlikely that the output of any command will produce such text alone in one line.
You now understood that gm4java relies on the proper batch option to operate correctly. Hence, you should never use “set” command directly in gm4java.

GM Process Pooling

Using one single GM batch process in a highly concurrent environment is obviously not enough. Managing multiple GM batch processes is a difficulty task to say the least. gm4java solves this problem by maintaining a pool of GM batch processes for you. It internally uses Apache Commons Pool but hides the complex detail from you so you don’t need to know the Commons Pool in order to use gm4java’s GM process pooling service.

Code Quality

gm4java has nearly 100% code coverage excluding simple getter and setters.

Features and API

The API of gm4java was elaborately designed to be simply. The public interface is very well documented by Javadoc. I’ll cover the basics of the API but I refer you to the API documentation (javadoc) for further reading.
The use of gm4java is very much like using JDBC connection and connection pooling, which most of Java developers are very familiar with.
The primary interface of gm4java is GMConnection.

GMConnection Interface

Just like each JDBC Connection object represent a physical connection to database server, each GMConnection instance represent an interactive session with a GM process running in interactive mode until the connection is closed by invoking its close() method.
   1:  public interface GMConnection {
   2:      String execute(String command, String... arguments) throws GMException, GMServiceException;
   3:      String execute(List<String> command) throws GMException, GMServiceException;
   4:      void close() throws GMServiceException;
   5:  }

GMConnection has two overloaded execute methods, those are the methods you would use to execute GM commands. Each command passed to the execute methods is send to the interactive GM process for execution. The output of the command is then return as a String if it was executed successfully. Otherwise a GMException is thrown and the exception message contains the output of the GM command.
The two execute methods are essentially identical, having two of them is to give you the convenience of passing the command in one way or another.
In simply uses case, you can use varargs version for simplicity. e.g.
    String result = connection.execute("identify", "a.jpg");

But if you need to construct the command conditionally and dynamically, you’ll find the List version is more convenient.
You can use execute methods to run any GM command supported in interactive mode except “set” command. Currently gm4java doesn’t prevent you from doing it but the result is undetermined, mostly failure of all subsequent commands but can also hung. In future, gm4java will try to prevent you from being able to send “set” command.
You must call close() method after you are done with GMConnection, this is again similar to database connection, failure to do so can cause connection leaking. The close() method can effectively end the associated GM process, or just returns the GM process to the pool depends on the implementation of the GMConnection.
Below is the typical usage pattern to ensure connection is closed.
   1:  final GMConnection connection = ...
   2:  try {
   3:      // use connection to run one or many GM commands
   4:  } finally {
   5:      connection.close();
   6:  }

All three methods may throw GMServiceException. It doesn’t like GMException, which is only relevant to the specific GM command being executed, GMServiceException from these methods is usually a permanent condition. It indicates a communication error between gm4java and the interactive GM process, for example, you get this exception if the GM process crashed.
Lastly, please be warned that like JDBC Connection, GMConnection is NOT thread safe!
So far all sounds simple and easy, but GMConnection is an interface, where can we get a real instance of it? That’s is GMService.

GMService Interface

Continue the JDBC analog, GMService is like DataSource. GMService defines three methods, but the important one is the getConnection() method,
   1:  public interface GMService {
   2:      String execute(String command, String... arguments) throws GMException, GMServiceException;
   3:      String execute(List<String> command) throws GMException, GMServiceException;
   4:      GMConnection getConnection() throws GMServiceException;
   5:  }

The getConnection() method returns a GMConnection object associated to either a newly started GM interactive process, or one retrieved from a pool. Whether former or later depends on the actual implementations that we’ll cover in the following sections.
The two execute methods are convenient methods to execute one GM command. Both internally calls the getConnection() method to obtain a connection, execute the given GM command and immediately close the connection. Please see the Java API document for more detail on this.
All methods in GMService are guaranteed to be thread safe.
Although, GMService methods also throw GMServiceException, but it is not necessary, and usually is not, a permanent condition. This is because every time, it deals with a difference instance of GMConnection, hence a different GM process.
GMService is an interface, gm4java provides two concrete implementations of it.


SimpleGMService, telling by its name, is a simple implementation of GMService, Its getConnection method always starts a new GM interactive process and return an instance of GMConnection that is associated with that GM process. Closing of that GMConnection effectively stops the associated GM process. Because of this nature, applications use SimpleGMService to create GMConnection should make max use of the connection before closing it. Below is a typical usage pattern.
   1:  GMService service = new SimpleGMService();
   3:  public void bar() {
   4:      GMConnection connection = service.getConnection();
   5:      try {
   6:          // use connection to run a lot of GM commands 
   7:      } finally {
   8:          connection.close();
   9:      }
  10:  }

The two execute methods in the SimpleGMService are provided for the purpose of completeness and should not be used in general. The implementation starts a new GM interactive process, run the given command and stop the GM process. That is actually slower than simply running the GM in the old single command mode.
SimpleGMService also has a property called gmPath. You’ll need to set this to full path of GM executable if it is not already in the command search path.


PooledGMService is the real star in gm4java. Analog to a JDBC connection pool, PooledGMService is able to manage a pool of GM interactive process and distribute the GM commands across them. Hence it is capable of delivering high performance and scalability in a heavily concurrent environment.
Since it internally uses Apache Commons Pool, it can support all pooling features brought in by Commons Pool which is a highly configurable object pool implementation. PooledGMService must be constructed with an instance of GMConnectionPoolConfig object, which contains a list of properties to configure the pool.
The getConnection() method in PooledGMService returns an instance of GMConnection that is associated with a pooled GM interactive process. The close() methods of the returned GMConnection effectively returns the GM interactive process back to the pool for reuse.
For the applications that run many concurrent threads and each thread is just to run one GM command, the PooledGMService is especially helpful. Its two execute() methods become very useful now. Not only they simplify the code to be written, but also optimize internally to perform better. e.g., code below
   1:  final GMConnection connection = service.getConnection();
   2:  try {
   3:      return connection.execute(command, arguments);
   4:  } finally {
   5:      connection.close();
   6:  }

can be simplified to
    return service.execute(command, arguments);

and the later is more efficient.

im4java Integration

So far, gm4java gives a new way to communicating with GM process to get the work done efficiently. It requires you to know the GM command very well and pass each command and its parameters to the execute methods. For people who are not familiar with native GM commands, there can be a steep learning curve.
Thankfully, im4java did a great job of providing a Java friendly interface to construct the GM commands. So gm4java doesn’t need reinvent the wheel. We’ll let you use your familiar im4java interface to construct operations, then give it to gm4java to executed it efficiently.
GMBatchCommand is the bridge between im4java and gm4java. The usage of it is best illustrated by a few sample programs.
Execute a convert command
   1:  GMService service = ...;
   3:  public void foo() {
   4:      GMBatchCommand command = new GMBatchCommand(service, "convert");
   6:      // create the operation, add images and operators/options
   7:      IMOperation op = new IMOperation();
   8:      op.addImage("input.jpg");
   9:      op.resize(800, 600);
  10:      op.addImage("output.jpg");
  12:      // execute the operation
  13:      command.run(op);
  14:  }

Execute the identify command
   1:  GMService service = ...;
   3:  public List<String> foo() {
   4:      GMBatchCommand command = new GMBatchCommand(service, "identify");
   6:      IMOperation op = new IMOperation();
   7:      op.ping();
   8:      final String format = "%m\n%W\n%H\n%g\n%z";
   9:      op.format(format);
  10:      op.addImage();
  11:      ArrayListOutputConsumer output = new ArrayListOutputConsumer();
  12:      command.setOutputConsumer(output);
  14:      command.run(op, SOURCE_IMAGE);
  16:      ArrayList<String> cmdOutput = output.getOutput();
  17:      return cmdOutput;
  18:  }

Please note that there are limitations of GMBatchCommand, at this time it doesn’t support im4java asynchronous mode and doesn’t support BufferedImage as output.
We do recognize the integration between im4java and gm4java is still weak. But we also believe there exists strong synergy between im4java and gm4java. Together, we can provide next level of integration between Java and GM.


In next post of this series, I’ll present the new test result of the same web application that we have tested before. This time it uses gm4java.

Other Posts in the “Integrate Java and GraphicsMagick” Series

  1. Conception
  2. im4java Performance
  3. Interactive or Batch Mode
  4. gm4java
  5. gm4java Performance

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Resize Nook Tablet Partition

Disclaimer: Instruction here requires advanced knowledge of Android systems. Any mistake can render your Nook useless, and I takes no responsibility when that happens. You are on your own and you are warned.

I have 16GB Nook Tablet and wish the media partition can be much bigger for my own personal audio and video. And found that there are tools and tutorials available but they are scattered so I have it organized here.


You need two microSD cards. One must be bigger than 2GB (Note: some 2GB card is not big enough so your best bet is to get a 4GB card) and all data on that card will be erased. Let’s call it boot card. Download the bootable Jellybean (Android 4.2.2) SD card image from here. Unzip it and use Win32 Image Writer to write it to your boot card.

Another microSD card should be big enough to backup all your data. Let’s call it backup card.

Boot Nook Tablet into Recovery Mode

Insert boot card into Nook Tablet and restart it. Hold n button when you see prompt of “Hold n for menu” at the lower part of the screen. Release it when you see “Boot Menu” shown in the middle of screen. Use volume up/down button to select SDC Recovery and press n button to start recovery.


Remove the boot card and insert your backup card. Follow the instructions on the CMW recovery utility to backup your nook. When backup is finished, remove the backup card.

Run Nook Tablet in Debug Mode

Insert the boot card to Nook Tablet and restart it. The Nook Tablet will boot into Jellybean (Android 4.2.2). Go to Settings->About tablet, tap the build number many times until you see “Developer mode is enabled”. Back to settings and now you can access Developer options. Enable Android debugging.

Install ADB

I have Windows. You can install the ADT bundle but since I already have eclipse installed, I downloaded SDK Tools for Windows found under “USE AN EXISTING IDE” section of Get the Android SDK page.

Start SDK Manager and install Android SDK Platform-tools. It will by default select latest Android version but you don’t have to install that for this purpose.

Install ADB Driver

Download the USB driver for Nook, connect the nook to computer with USB cable. You’ll get the message that driver is not found. Manually install the downloaded driver, select the Composite ADB driver.

Start ADB

Follow the instructions here to start ADB tool. Make sure that you can run “adb devices” to see your device. If your device is offline, check your Nook, if you see a prompt for permission, please allow the computer to connect.

Make sure you can run “adb shell”

Resize Partition

Follow the instructions in the post below:



Use boot card to boot into recovery mode again. Then replace it with backup card and restore your Nook Table. Once restoring is finished, reboot your Nook and your mission is accomplished.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Integrate Java and GraphicsMagick – Interactive or Batch Mode


To overcome the performance problem with the im4java integration approach. We set out to implement our proposed solution. The first step is to develop a new GraphicsMagick (GM hereafter) feature: introducing the batch mode (or interactive mode) to GM.

After going through our internal prototyping, beta testing and production release. We finally have a patch submitted to official GM code base. (Update 3/19: Thanks to Bob Friesenhahn, GraphicsMagick 1.3.18 was officially released with batch support! This post was updated with the specs of the final 1.3.18 release.)

The Batch Command

Simply invoke the GM by running the “gm” command, you will notice the new “batch” command is now listed at the top of the command list.

GraphicsMagick 1.3.18 2013-03-10 Q8 http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
Copyright (C) 2002-2013 GraphicsMagick Group.
Additional copyrights and licenses apply to this software.
See http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/www/Copyright.html for details.
Usage: gm command [options ...]

Where commands include:
      batch - issue multiple commands in interactive or batch mode
  benchmark - benchmark one of the other commands
    compare - compare two images
  composite - composite images together
    conjure - execute a Magick Scripting Language (MSL) XML script
    convert - convert an image or sequence of images
       help - obtain usage message for named command
   identify - describe an image or image sequence
    mogrify - transform an image or sequence of images
    montage - create a composite image (in a grid) from separate images
       time - time one of the other commands
    version - obtain release version
   register - register this application as the source of messages

The new batch command is used to get GM into interactive mode or execute an batch GM command file. If a file is supply to the batch command as a parameter, GM executes the commands in the file in batch mode. Otherwise, GM enters interactive mode.

Any GM command you can run in POSIX shell or Windows command prompt can be executed in interactive or batch mode.

Interactive Mode

GM Interactive mode serves two purposes:

  1. You can test and get quick feedback of the commands that you plan to use in a GM batch file.
  2. Another process can control the GM via interactive mode to run multiple commands without restarting the GM command every time. This is the most important motivation of we developing this feature. It is also a topic that is big enough for a separate post.

In future, GM may also support using the result of the previous command as input of the next command.

Enter Interactive Mode

To start GM in interactive mode, just enter “gm batch” in command line. You get the GM default prompt: “"GM>”.

C:\>gm batch
GraphicsMagick 1.3.18 2013-03-10 Q8 http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
Copyright (C) 2002-2013 GraphicsMagick Group.
Additional copyrights and licenses apply to this software.
See http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/www/Copyright.html for details.

In the interactive or batch mode, you can execute any and all GM commands except the “batch” command itself. You can use the same help command to get a list of commands supported, please note that you simply enter the command itself, i.e., to execute the help command, simply enter “help” instead of “gm help”.

You may also notice the new “set” command in the batch mode, this command is used to change the settings of the batch mode. We’ll cover the batch mode options and settings in the following sections.

GM> help
Usage: help command [options ...]

Where commands include:
  benchmark - benchmark one of the other commands
    compare - compare two images
  composite - composite images together
    conjure - execute a Magick Scripting Language (MSL) XML script
    convert - convert an image or sequence of images
       help - obtain usage message for named command
   identify - describe an image or image sequence
    mogrify - transform an image or sequence of images
    montage - create a composite image (in a grid) from separate images
        set - change batch mode option
       time - time one of the other commands
    version - obtain release version
   register - register this application as the source of messages

Invoke Commands

You can invoke any GM command in interactive mode as if you run them in the POSIX shell or Windows command prompt. The difference is that you don’t need to start the command with “gm”, you start with the command itself. For example, the convert command that is typically invoked like below

C:\>gm convert a.jpg –scale 400x300 b.jpg

can be executed in GM interactive mode without the preceding “gm”.

GM>convert a.jpg –scale 400x400 b.jpg

Just like how you enter GM command parameters before, in the interactive or batch mode, parameters are separated by one more multiple SPACE or TAB characters. If a parameter itself contains space or tab, you need to use escape characters. I’ll devote a separate section for GM command escape in the later of this post.

Exist Interactive Mode

To exist the interactive mode, you just need to enter the EOF character. In Mac, Linux and other Unix like systems, EOF character is Ctrl-D. In Windows, EOF character is Ctrl-Z. Ctrl-Z must be the only character in the line and immediately followed by new line character.

You can also use Ctrl-C to exit the interactive mode.


GM batch mode can be customized by various optional parameters. Those options can be specified as shell command line options when entering batch mode. Options can also be changed using “set” command after entering the batch mode.

To get a list of available options, you can use “gm batch –help” or “gm help batch” from POSIX shell or Windows command prompt. Or use “set –help” or “help set” in the GM batch mode.

C:\>gm batch -help
GraphicsMagick 1.3.18 2013-03-10 Q8 http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
Copyright (C) 2002-2013 GraphicsMagick Group.
Additional copyrights and licenses apply to this software.
See http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/www/Copyright.html for details.
Usage: gm batch [options ...] [file|-]

Where options include:
  -echo on|off         echo command back to standard out, default is off
  -escape unix|windows force use Unix or Windows escape format for command line
                       argument parsing, default is platform dependent
  -fail text           when feedback is on, output the designated text if the
                       command returns error, default is 'FAIL'
  -feedback on|off     print text (see -pass and -fail options) feedback after
                       each command to indicate the result, default is off
  -help                print program options
  -pass text           when feedback is on, output the designated text if the
                       command executed successfully, default is 'PASS'
  -prompt text         use the given text as command prompt. use text 'off' or
                       empty string to turn off prompt. default to 'GM> ' if
                       and only if batch mode was entered with no file argument
  -stop-on-error on|off
                       when turned on, batch execution quits prematurely when
                       any command returns error

Unix escape allows the use backslash(\), single quote(') and double quote(") in
the command line. Windows escape only uses double quote(").  For example,

    Orignal             Unix escape              Windows escape
    [a\b\c\d]           [a\\b\\c\\d]             [a\b\c\d]
    [Text with space]   [Text\ with\ space]      ["Text with space"]
    [Text with (")]     ['Text with (")']        ["Text with ("")"]
    [Mix: "It's a (\)"] ["Mix: \"It's a (\\)\""] ["Mix: ""It's a (\)"""]

Use '-' to read command from standard input without default prompt.

You can also check the current option setting by using “set” command without parameter:

GM> set
escape        : windows
fail          : FAIL
feedback      : off
stop-on-error : off
pass          : PASS
prompt        : GM>

Each options will be discussed in the following sections in detail.

Echo Option

By default echo is turned off. Enabling -echo option asks GM to echo back every command entered in the interactive or batch mode. This is mainly for the debug purpose to what exactly is being received by GM as command and its parameters.

Feedback Options

This consists of a group of options, –feedback, –pass and –fail. The later two options are only effective when the feedback option is turned on. By default, the feedback is turned off. When the feedback is turned on, GM outputs the text defined by -pass or -fail option followed by a new line after execution of each GM command in interactive or batch mode. If the command was executed successfully, GM output the text defined by –pass option, otherwise output the text defined by –fail option.

The default text is “PASS” for –pass option and “FAIL” for –fail option.

The feedback options doesn’t seem to be very useful when the GM interactive session is controlled by human, but it is essential if another process need to interact with GM process.

Prompt Option

Option –prompt allow you to define a different GM prompt in the interactive mode, or turn the prompt off completely. By default, prompt is off if a batch file (or –) is passed to the GM batch command, otherwise “GM>” is the GM prompt text.

Stop-on-error Option

By default –stop-on-error option is off. GM will make the best effort to execute every command. When a given command fails, it will output the error message and GM will continue to accept and execute next command. Turning –stop-on-error option on will force GM to exit whenever command line syntax error occurred or a command failed to execute. This option is more useful in batch mode instead of interactive mode.

Escape Option

By default, GM uses Unix escape style unless it on Windows systems, where it uses Windows escape by default. Option –escape allows you to GM to use the escape style specified. We’ll discuss the detail of command line escape in the follow sections.

Command Line Escape

GM supports two different command line escape styles. By default, it recognizes Windows escape style in Windows system and Unix escape style in all other platforms.

In the bottom section of the help output (repeated below), GM provided the brief description of the two escape systems and a few of examples.

Unix escape allows the use backslash(\), single quote(') and double quote(") in
the command line. Windows escape only uses double quote(").  For example,

    Orignal             Unix escape              Windows escape
    [a\b\c\d]           [a\\b\\c\\d]             [a\b\c\d]
    [Text with space]   [Text\ with\ space]      ["Text with space"]
    [Text with (")]     ['Text with (")']        ["Text with ("")"]
    [Mix: "It's a (\)"] ["Mix: \"It's a (\\)\""] ["Mix: ""It's a (\)"""]

Unix Escape Style

Unix style escape recognizes three special characters, backslash(\), single quote(') and double quote("). This style gives you many conveniences but sometime can also introduce confusions.

In all use cases, you can use backslash to escape SPACE, TAB, newline, single quote, double quote and the backslash character itself. But if a parameter contains many of those characters, using backslash can be become very verbose and difficult to understand. In this case quotes are come in handy.

A parameter contains special characters can be entered by surrounding it with single quotes, as long as the parameter doesn’t contain the single quote itself. Text within the single quotes are taken by GM as is.

Double quote is different from single quote is that its content can be further escaped. Within the double quotes, you no longer need to escape SPACE, TAB, new line and single quote, but you still need to use backslash to escape the double quote and backslash itself if your parameter happen to contain any of them.

Below listed some valid use of Unix escape style.

Original Backslash Single Quotes Double Quotes
a\b\c\d a\\b\\c\\d\\ 'a\b\c\d' "a\\b\\c\\d\\"
Text with space Text\ with\ space 'Text with space' "Text with space"
Text with (") Text\ with\ (\") 'Text with (")' "Text with (\")"
Mix: "It's a (\)" Mix:\ \"It\'s\ a\ (\\)\" 'Mix: "It'\''s a (\)"' "Mix: \"It's a (\\)""

Windows Escape Style

Believe it or not, Windows escape style is much simpler. It only uses double quote (") characters. All you need to do is surround your parameter with double quotes. If the parameter itself contains double quote characters, use two continuous double quotes to represent every one double quote in the parameter. The batch help already provide good examples for Windows escape style.

Batch Mode

A text file contains GM commands is said to be a GM batch file. GM batch mode is activated by passing a GM batch file to the batch command. Bellow example illustrated how to use the batch mode. Batch mode is essentially the same as the interactive mode that we have discussed so far, except that the batch mode uses different default option. The file path parameter signifies the batch mode and activates the batch mode defaults.

C:\>del a-small.jpg b-tiny.jpg

C:\>type test.gm
# Test is a test GraphicsMagick batch command file.
convert a.jpg -scale 400x300 a-small.jpg
convert b.jpg -scale 200x150 b-tiny.jpg

C:\>gm batch test.gm

C:\>dir /b a-small.jpg b-tiny.jpg


GM ignores any characters between # character and newline, except that the # character is escaped. Also, an empty line or line contains only comments is simply skipped by GM.

# Test is a test GraphicsMagick batch command file.
convert a.jpg -scale 400x300 a-small.jpg # this is also a comment
convert b.jpg -scale 200x150 b-tiny.jpg "#this is NOT a comment"

Associate .gm Extension in Windows

It would be convenient to associate .gm file extension to GM. Copy and past the text below to a file named “gm.reg”, correct the installation location of the GM then save it. Double click on gm.reg file to import the registry settings. You are all set.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="GraphicsMagick Batch File"

@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\GraphicsMagick-Q8\\gm.exe,0"



@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\GraphicsMagick-Q8\\gm.exe\" batch \"%1\""

(Note: Ideally this should be included as part of the Windows installer.)

Now you can double click on the test.gm file and it will run all the commands. You can also invoke test.gm from command line like below.

C:\>del a-small.jpg b-tiny.jpg

C:\>type test.gm
# Test is a test GraphicsMagick batch command file.
convert a.jpg -scale 400x300 a-small.jpg
convert b.jpg -scale 200x150 b-tiny.jpg


C:\>dir /b a-small.jpg b-tiny.jpg

Executable GM Batch Script in Unix-like Systems

You can also use

shebang to make a GM batch script file executable in Unix-like systems.

$ rm a-small.jpg b-tiny.jpg

$ cat test.gm
#!/usr/bin/gm batch
# Test is a test GraphicsMagick batch command file.
convert a.jpg -scale 400x300 a-small.jpg
convert b.jpg -scale 200x150 b-tiny.jpg

$ chmod a+x test.gm

$ ./test.gm

$ ls a-small.jpg b-tiny.jpg

Cross Platform Script

For a GM batch script that is intended to be executed on multiple platforms, the shebang interpreter directive should always be included in the script.

Also, you must explicitly specify the escape style with set command unless your script is compatible with both escape styles. As a good practice, you should always set the escape style in the beginning of the script.

#!/usr/bin/gm batch
# Test is a test GraphicsMagick batch command file.
set -escape windows
convert dot.png -resize 300x500! -font arial -pointsize 38 -draw "text 50 100 'NO IMAGE'" out.png
convert a.jpg -scale 400x300 a-small.jpg
convert b.jpg -scale 200x150 b-tiny.jpg

Pipeline Command

If you want to run GM batch commands that are output by another program through pipeline. You’ll need to use “-” in place of the file parameter. Otherwise the interactive mode option will be used and you’ll see prompts are echoed back to the screen.

C:\>type test.gm | gm batch
GraphicsMagick 1.3.18 2013-03-10 Q8 http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
Copyright (C) 2002-2013 GraphicsMagick Group.
Additional copyrights and licenses apply to this software.
See http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/www/Copyright.html for details.

C:\>type test.gm | gm batch -



This is all about GM batch! In next few posts of this series, I’ll unleash the full power of GM interactive or batch mode.

Other Posts in the “Integrate Java and GraphicsMagick” Series

  1. Conception
  2. im4java Performance
  3. Interactive or Batch Mode
  4. gm4java
  5. gm4java Performance